söndag, juli 24, 2005

"I Still Haven’t Found what I’m Looking For" with U2

(Note! Since I had some criticism yesterday for not writing everything in that blog by my self, this blog will be entirely made up by yours truly. Just for your information... =P)

Today it’s five days until I’m going to see U2 and their "Vertigo Tour 2005", and since U2 might be my only true pop-/rock-idols (well, I guess I could include Kylie also) I will celebrate that by having only U2 songs as the song of today for a week from today.

So, what have I done today then?
  • I have had a one hour power-walk with my sister.
  • I have eaten a very creamy birthday-cake since it is my sister’s boyfriend’s birthday.
  • I have been to a strange flee-market in an old barn, which contained so much old stuff it was a delight to visit. I almost whished I had my old record player left, since there where sooo many old, cool LP-records there for about 5SEK each.
  • I have been on a trip to the little village Kristianopel, situated about 30km from here, which is very beautifully situated just at the coastline and has a fascinating history. (After being burned down several times during the war between Denmark and Sweden in the 17th century, the Swedish king finally tore Kristianopel down and used its material to build his new town Karlskrona. He also forced all Kristianopel’s citizens to move to Karlskrona, since he had a completely new town, but no people who would live in it. Actually, he removed all windows in the town Ronneby also, to get even more Karlskronites.)
  • I have eaten a large (and also very, very creamy) soft ice-cream.
  • I have been reading the terrific book "A Long Way Down" by Nick Hornby.
  • I am currently waiting for more food…I think it is some form of barbecue.

…and what have I not done?

Well, there is still no sun to be found. No sun-burn which will make me look nice (since I’m now fat of all the creamy stuff mentioned above) to Pride. Still no beach visits. Still no swims taken in the Baltic.

I guess the song of the day was quite easy.

Keep readin’.
Tomorrow’s a new day and a new (U2) song.

Song of Today: "I Still Haven’t Found what I’m Looking For" with U2

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